
I love helping others feel better; it is inspiring to me to see their incredible progress! And it is so fulfilling and rewarding to help facilitate this transformation. Learn how you can transform your life and take control of your health by subscribing to my email list!

Here is my friend David, 5 weeks into his program with me, sharing his progress and transformation:

David had this to say at the end of 12 weeks with me:

Rachel is responsible for me having to buy new clothes. She made me lose 30 plus pounds, brought my cholesterol into the good range and showed me how to eat in a way that my body would function more efficiently. I was so large, I had a lot of trouble tying my shoes.

In today’s world of greasy, fast food, carbohydrate-laden diets with people packing on unneeded and lethal weight, many folks need the naturopathic guidance that Rachel can provide. Rachel will motivate you to set goals and find a path to meet them. After my 3 month focus on diet and activity with Rachel I was very happy with my results. I recommend Rachel not just for those overweight, but those that need to learn how to eat correctly, for life.

And here is one of my favorite healing stories, from Deb K:

I went to see Rachel after not feeling well for about 2 years. I had some troubling symptoms and had already seen three different doctors with no relief. In that two year span I had my gall bladder removed, a colonoscopy and developed a tumor in my neck. On my first visit, we discussed food intolerances which are different from allergies…  She was very knowledgeable and so easy to understand, everything she said made sense to  me when I thought about everything that I was suffering from! We sat down and drew up a plan for my new lifestyle! Foods, chemicals and preservatives to cut from my diet, healthy choices to add to my diets, supplements, exercise, hobbies; all the things that contribute to a healthy life.

I am happy to say that after (making these changes) I was symptom free in 3 weeks! And within months after that the tumor in my neck was getting smaller and smaller. I felt like a new woman! Rachel is very passionate about her work and it shows. She was a joy to work with. Oh did I mention, I lost 20 pounds!

Thank you Rachel, you truly were a Godsend to me!

Deb, you were a joy to work with! I’m so honored to have been a part of your healing process and help you rediscover how fun life can be when we feel well!    ~Rachel

And here are some thoughts from Dawn G:

When I first went to meet Rachel, I have to admit I had my doubts. As I was sitting there I thought about all the money I had wasted on that magic pill and all the exercise gadgets collecting dust in my closets. I was very unhappy with the way I looked and felt. After the first week I was amazed at how much better I felt, just by eating healthy. I also have learned so much. Sleep was also a problem for me. I would be awake every two or three hours. I now sleep through the night. (working with Rachel) is not just about losing weight, it’s changing choices for a healthier you. I have learned to make better meals for myself and the importance of snacks. Things I thought were good for me are really not. I also have learned many ways to deal with stress and anxiety. I’m so glad I made this choice for myself.


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